Entomological Museum

Department of Entomology and Acarology
Versão em Português

The ESALQ/USP insect collection began in 1965, in the Department of Entomology under the Prof. Domingos Gallo department administration. In 2005 was added the Zoology/ESALQ collection, created in the thirty decade by Prof. Salvador Toledo Pizza. The colection has about 8000 species and 30000 samples (5700 identified at genre level). Beside the blade collection - Thysanoptera (tripes) and Hymenoptera (Trichogramma), the collection has many other materials from Orthoptera (many families), Diptera (Tephritidae e Lonchaeidae), Thysanoptera (Thripidae) and Hymenoptera (Trichogrammatidae), totalizing 300 species.
The species was identified by comparison with many brazilian collections, with aid of specific literature and with the collaboration of several specialists.


    Publish the insect collection with pictures to promote an easy recognition.

Citing this publication

    Usage of data from ESALQ Insect Collection database in scientific publications should be acknowledged using the following format with the year of the most recent update (****) [see below under Database last updated]:

    Database last updated: May 2021.

Contact Us

  • Entomological Museum
    Sinval Silveira Neto
    Department of Entomology and Acarology
    E-Mail: sinvalneto@usp.br
    Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4199

    Roberto Antonio Zucchi
    Department of Entomology and Acarology
    E-Mail: razucchi@usp.br
    Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4199
  • Webmaster / Developer
    Regina C. B. Moraes
    Department of Entomology and Acarology
    E-Mail: remoraes@usp.br
    Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4122

    Andrés Enrique Lai Reyes
    Technical Section of Informatics
    E-mail: lai@usp.br
    Phone: +55 (19) 3429.4531

Department of Entomology and Acarology - LEA
Av. Pádua Dias, 11 - Piracicaba/SP - CEP 13418-900
Phone: (19) 3429-4199/3429-4122 - Fax (19) 3429-4120
E-Mail: entomologia@usp.br