The ESALQ/USP insect collection began in 1965, in the Department of Entomology under
the Prof. Domingos Gallo department administration. In 2005 was added the Zoology/ESALQ
collection, created in the thirty decade by Prof. Salvador Toledo Pizza. The colection has
about 8000 species and 30000 samples (5700 identified at genre level). Beside the blade
collection - Thysanoptera (tripes) and Hymenoptera (Trichogramma), the collection has many
other materials from Orthoptera (many families), Diptera (Tephritidae e Lonchaeidae),
Thysanoptera (Thripidae) and Hymenoptera (Trichogrammatidae), totalizing 300 species.
The species was identified by comparison with many brazilian collections, with aid of specific
literature and with the collaboration of several specialists.